思(Sī) is a Chinese character that translates into "to consider/deliberate". The individual simple characters translate to "field (田)" and "heart (心)".

福(Fú) represents fortune and luck. What I found interesting while researching this character is that the left side is a symbol for spirit.

愛(Ài) is the Chinese character for love, which is such an enormous concept to try to draw. Breaking down how this character is drawn, the heart (心) is in this word but is protected by other elements.

天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福 (Tiān yǒu bù cè fēng yún,rén yǒu dàn xī huò fú)
Weather is ever-changing and unpredictable, and so are people’s lives. In mandarin, this phrase creates a mirror between the heavens and earth by using the same number of characters to convey both ideas.

想(Xiǎng) can translate as “think” or “want”, depending on the rest of the sentence. This character is made up of the characters for wood, eye, and heart.
There’s a phrase in mandarin, 心眼 (Xīn yǎn), that directly translates into “heart eyes”. This loosely refers to how mindful one is when moving through their surroundings. To have a lot of 心眼 is to be more guarded and careful in how you interact with others.
There’s a phrase in mandarin, 心眼 (Xīn yǎn), that directly translates into “heart eyes”. This loosely refers to how mindful one is when moving through their surroundings. To have a lot of 心眼 is to be more guarded and careful in how you interact with others.

莫(Mò) represents absence. Something that isn’t there or isn’t able to be done. I was drawn to this character when it appeared in a movie to represent the spirit realm.
Drawn in Translation ❦ 2020